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Interview with Aleks Hajdas on Supplier Experience Management

Interview with Aleks Hajdas on Supplier Experience Management

In a series of interviews which took place during the World Procurement Congress 2022 (WPC) in London, we spoke to a number of thought-leaders and experts from the Procurement and Supply Chain industries on their opinions on Supplier Experience Management (SXM) and the future of Procurement.

The aim of this 3-day congress was to ‘challenge the status quo’ and amplify the voices of those that are ‘pushing the boundaries on innovation, ESG and supply chain resiliency’ as they ‘deliver fresh insights, challenge conclusions, and provide action plans and recommendations’.

This is the fourth video on SXM in this series, in which we spoke to Aleks Hajdas. Aleks is a Procure-to-Pay Program Lead for Japan Tobacco International (JTI).

Aleks feels positive about the fact organizations have started to change the way they work with their suppliers and adds, “We need to be more open to our suppliers, we need to create relationships with them, but real relationships to really think of them as an extension of our teams.”

Watch the full interview as Aleks goes into more detail on:

  • Processes enterprises need to adopt to successfully improve their suppliers’ experience
  • Various challenges enterprises should expect to experience while working on this change
  • The benefits to the enterprise of addressing the suppliers’ perspective

Aleks concludes with, “In today’s times there are so many different solutions that you can find the right fit and you can innovate together. So, again, coming back to the relationship, it is not often setting up the frames of what you’re looking for, but really trying to understand together with suppliers and understanding what they provide and what you can find the solution that is the right fit for you.”

To watch other interviews with industry experts on this topic, click here.

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