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Interview with Anthony Payne on Supplier Experience Management

Anthony Payne on Supplier Experience Management

In a series of interviews which took place during World Procurement Congress 2022 (WPC) in London, we spoke to a number of thought-leaders and experts from the Procurement and Supply Chain industries about their opinions on Supplier Experience Management (SXM) and the future of Procurement.

The theme of this year’s event was ‘Challenging the status quo,’ with the aim of amplifying the voices of those that are ‘pushing the boundaries on innovation, ESG and supply chain resiliency’ as they ‘deliver fresh insights, challenge conclusions, and provide action plans and recommendations.’

This is the third video in this series, in which we spoke to Anthony Payne. Anthony is Chief Marketing Officer at HICX and is passionate about helping enterprises realize the benefits of creating amazing supplier experiences.

In this interview, Anthony gives his take on SXM and what it means. “To me, Supplier Experience Management, as much as anything, is a shift in mindset. It is a recognition by organizations that, in order for them to be successful, they need their suppliers to be successful, and that actually they have a part to play in that. […] They can overall improve that working relationship and as a result, they can benefit themselves.”

Watch the full interview with Anthony as he discusses:

  • Why successfully implementing SXM is becoming a priority for many enterprises
  • Factors to consider and areas to focus on when implementing SXM
  • Various types of values that can arise as benefits of SXM

Anthony concludes with a warning not to forget the power of good data. “If you make it that much easier for them, then the suppliers are voluntarily giving you that information. So, there is a huge opportunity and a huge amount of value to be tapped from just having better data from your suppliers which you can then use to make better decisions.”

To watch other interviews with industry experts on this topic, click here.

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