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To turn up the competition, turn digitalisation on its head

Procurement Mag

Costas Xyloyiannis, CEO of HICX and supplier experience expert

CPOs can empower their organisations to compete by rethinking digital transformation.

One thing the pandemic really highlighted in procurement is its ability to add value in new areas.

Through blood, sweat and tears, the function proved its aptitude. It met unexpected demands. It delivered well beyond cost savings. It adapted, and in doing so, it fast-tracked digital transformation. Now, procurement has access to a host of tools.

In the competitive post-COVID era, CPOs face the opportunity to add organisational value through digitisation. For many, the assumed starting point is to invest in tools. But this reinforces a pre-pandemic outlook, which doesn’t always yield enough return in today’s environment. 

The good news is that it’s possible for CPOs to set up their organisations to thrive. So, where should they begin? 

Costas Xyloyiannis, CEO of HICX and supplier experience expert, believes that CPOs ought to rethink their digitalisation approaches. He shares three core principles to turn up the heat.

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