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Fixing communications: A persistent pain point

Courier News

By Anthony Payne, CMO of HICX

64% of respondents in the recent Supplier Experience Survey by HICX, cite communications as a top three area for improvement when it comes to doing business with suppliers.

According to Stephen Day, Chief Procurement Officer at market research house Kantar, this casts the spotlight on a persistent pain point. There’s been a very notable imbalance, he observes, between suppliers and enterprises for some years now, and this needs to change.

With the pandemic highlighting the need for robust supply chains, we’re seeing that enterprises who focus solely on cost savings at the expense of all else, are left horribly exposed to risk. There’s no doubt that organizations need to re-think the way they work with suppliers, but as with all unchartered waters, the prospect can seem daunting.

So, where can businesses begin? At HICX we believe the answer is to adopt a more supplier-centric approach, which we refer to as Supplier Experience Management. And at the heart of this, is addressing fundamental obstacles, like communication.

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