Five Minutes With: HICX’s CEO, Costas Xyloyiannis

Procurement Magazine sits down with Costas Xyloyiannis, Co-Founder and CEO of HICX, the Supplier Experience Management platform
I ended up in procurement a little by chance. While still studying for my computer science degree, my co-founder Hassan and I had the opportunity to work on a project for Novartis.
To cut a long story short, the Novartis CEO was very forward-thinking. He had just signed up to the UN Global Compact at the time, and asked the CPO to ensure that their suppliers, some 150,000 of them, were compliant. Naturally, the CPO wondered who all these suppliers were! He needed our help in automating their supplier data, and thanks to this brief, our first ever data platform for a business, ‘The Global Supplier Database’, was born.
The CPO loved the system because for the first time he had a view of the entire supply chain. More excitingly for us, he was able to demonstrate compliance at board level. The feeling of being able to add value in this way, really fired us up. Back then already, businesses were having supplier data struggles. So, in a way, we made solving this our quest.
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