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Voice of the Supplier Survey 2024

Exclusive Survey

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Voice of the Supplier Survey 2024

What’s inside?

Supplier relationships are currently strained as there is a disconnect between what suppliers want and need, and what buying organizations think they want and need – and their ability to support this. However, the importance of providing a best-in-class supplier experience is being recognized as a point of differentiation by more organizations across more industries than ever.

In our latest survey, we asked representatives of 1,000 suppliers who serve enterprise customers in the CPG, FMCG, Aerospace and Defense and Energy sectors about their experience supplying the world’s biggest organizations to find out more about their key concerns and obstacles.

“We found that supplier experience is still a problem,” says Costas Xyloyiannis, HICX’s CEO. “Presently, 59% of suppliers struggle to do their best for major customers, compared with 61% in our previous study. This very minor improvement is concerning. With supply chain resilience so critical to business success in today’s economy, it’s time this figure drops.”

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