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The Value of Best of Breed vs ERP/Suites

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The Value of Best of Breed vs ERPSuites

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SAP indirect access is a wakeup call in understanding how the tides of enterprise software are changing – in particular ERP and enterprise software offerings that are pitched as all encompassing “suites”.

In February, 2017, a UK court ruled in favour of SAP in the case of SAP vs Diageo. Diageo was forced to pay £54m. At the time of writing there is also an ongoing dispute with another customer, Anhauser-Busch Inbev, for a cool $600m.

This paper considers the idea that this ruling could lead to a revolution in how businesses approach buying new software and whether or not it will result in a more general change in philosophy. One in which an ERP solution is no longer the central data repository that every other system has to rely on but rather, just another application on a larger platform with master data centralised in one hub.

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