Supplier Experience Live 2024 8th October Amsterdam, Official DPW Side Event.

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Solving The Procurement Data Dilemma

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Solving The Procurement Data Dilemma

What’s inside?

For this research report, Raconteur, partnering with HICX, focused on speaking to senior procurement professionals at leading multinational companies. With their revenues in the multi billions and their suppliers in the hundreds of thousands, they were, from our perspective, the best people to talk to.

In the report you will find plenty of surprising statistics, interesting trends and we hope, answers:

  • Out of Sight Out of Mind
    • While procurement professionals are satisfied with their supplier data, many could be overlooking problems – with potentially serious consequences
  • Fit for Purpose
    • To ensure data quality, procurement must embrace the master data management approach
  • A Seat at the Table
  • Taking Ownership of Supplier Data
    • Supplier data management is often spread across business functions. Procurement can take the lead, without treading on any toes
  • How to Sell Data Excellence
    • The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted the importance of data excellence projects, which can boost supply chain efficiencies and reduce risks
  • The Bigger Picture
    • Risk mitigation is a crucial benefit of supplier data management, but there are many other opportunities that shouldn’t be ignored
  • Tight Onboarding Beats Supplier Data Blues

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