Supplier Experience Live 2024 8th October Amsterdam, Official DPW Side Event.

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Infographic: The Voice of the Supplier Survey

Infographic: The Voice of the Supplier Survey

This infographic provides a quick summary of the key findings from our recent Voice of the Supplier Survey 2022.

The way in which we work with suppliers has to change. Recent events have shown that ‘supplier experience’ is behind other areas, such as customer experience (CX) and employee experience – and this can be damaging to an organization. It means that suppliers often face unnecessary administrative burden, receive less relevant information and endure slow communications.

But what should the new supplier experience be like? Of course, one of the most important stakeholders in this question are the suppliers themselves, so, to that end, we asked them about their current experiences and what they feel should be improved – and the results are in this infographic.

The HICX Voice of the Supplier Survey, meanwhile, investigates these themes and uncovers the truth about what suppliers are really experiencing while providing recommendations for priorities based on the suppliers’ perspective.


Infographic: The Voice of the Supplier Survey

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